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988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
We work every day to combat the stigma around mental illness. We do it with straight talk in the community, relentless honesty and the promise of a safe place to land. We know it takes real courage. Many of us at WBC struggle with our own mental health, and what we've figured out along the way is this: the tiniest bits of bravery can bring you significant comfort. So, we're asking you to join us in the fight against stigma — even the ones you may be holding against yourself.
Wellbeing Connection offers lots of opportunities to learn about mental health. Click any of the options below to learn more, or register for an upcoming event on our calendar page.
Check out the replays of some of our recent programming:
Community Wellness Speaker Series
Hour-long presentations by local experts every month
Speaker Series
Let's Chat! Series
Live chats about mental health with local experts
Courageous Conversations
Live chats about individuals sharing their personal stories
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